How to Talk to Your Employees for Motivational Feedback

04 October 2021 | 4 Minute
user Sorwe
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How to Talk to Your Employees for Motivational Feedback

Feedback in the workplace is a very important need for the development of both your company and your employees. Feedback is a mirror, allowing people to better understand how others see them so that they can see their own strengths and weaknesses.

As the self-employment economy grows and more people start working independently, connecting employees and employers is more important than ever. The importance of employee feedback in the development of this corporate internal communication cannot be underestimated. Listening to employee feedback and acting accordingly is as important as providing feedback for managers and should also be evaluated in terms of employee engagement.

Managers can provide positive and constructive feedback in many areas, from recognition of good work to recognition of perseverance. It can transform this process into a company culture while increasing employee engagement. A few steps must be followed to build a feedback culture. 


Here are examples of these steps:  

  • Thank your employees for their hard work.

When an employee achieves success, he must be informed. The most important issues affecting employee motivation are the recognition of success, appreciation, and recognition of the employee. Therefore, always appreciate the success and good behavior of your employees, make them feel approved and valued. Always be open about these matters. In fact, don't limit your appreciation to your employee. Share an employee's success with the entire company in digital environments to motivate all your employees.


“You did a great job at yesterday's presentation! I heard the client was pretty happy. I sincerely appreciate your hard work, creativity, and dedication.”

  • Identify the positive traits of your employees.

Always voice your employee's strengths. Be clear about what qualities you value when you tell them what they excel at in the organization. For this, do not wait for the evaluation meetings held at the end of the year, take advantage of the instant feedback tools where you can give instant feedback. Express your appreciation and contribute to your employee's personal development with your comments. When good features are associated with corporate values, employee engagement increases, and an environment of trust is created.


“You handled the client's concerns deftly. You were understanding, patient and resourceful. Customer service is a vital element of our company's identity and you have demonstrated that admirably.”


  • Let your employees know when they do exemplary work.

When your employee exhibits behavior that everyone should do, be sure to inform and thank your employee. You can make this thank you with stickers reflecting your company culture in digital tools, and share it with announcements that all your employees can be aware of. Encouraging and appreciating examples both motivate your employees you appreciate and encourage all your employees to engage in this behavior.


“I heard you're using our new tool to track sales. Thank you for your support of our technology and for being an example to everyone.”


  • Make a list of the actions you want to become a habit.

It will be easier for them to become a habit if you specify and organize positive employee behaviors. Employees being rewarded for a particular action are more likely to repeat it in the future. This reward can be recognized with instant feedback from digital HR tools or stickers reflecting the company culture.


“Thank you for keeping track of all project expenses on a spreadsheet. It has been very beneficial for the team and thanks to this, we were able to stay within the budget. I want to use this method in all our future projects.”


  • Encourage employees when they encounter difficulties. 

Even the most successful businesses have their ups and downs. It is very important to appreciate and applaud employees for their perseverance. If the problems are accepted, it will be easier for employees to be more open about any problems they may encounter in the future, and this will create an atmosphere of trust. So when your employees want to make any suggestions, they can express them clearly. Mobile digital suggestion systems, which enable suggestion to be delivered from anywhere at any time, can be your greatest helper in this process, it is useful to examine :)


“I understand that he has been going through tough days due to lack of material. It's incredible how well you've managed to keep things running smoothly. I admire your patience.”


  • Have a productive conversation about mistakes.

Errors happen. While no one likes to talk about them, they are likely to happen again unless constructive feedback is provided. It is always in your hands to turn mistakes into opportunities and turn them into productive results. You can feed your employees' mistakes with constructive feedback. You can benefit from instant feedback tools, which can be done in a short time, and you can instantly meet your personal suggestion and comment with your employee. Thus, errors will be noticed in a timely manner and the probability of their recurrence will be reduced.


“Unfortunately, previously distributed marketing materials contained the wrong logo. I realize that digital assets are difficult to maintain, but we have a certain system. I would love to hear your thoughts on what went wrong and how we can avoid it in the future.”

  • One solution for all steps: Continuity!

The continuity of these steps is as important as the steps to be considered in the feedback that will motivate your employees. Rare feedback may not provide permanent solutions for employee motivation. However, with continuous and regular feedback, you can create a feedback culture and motivate your employees with constructive suggestions. In order for this process to be regular and continuous, following all the steps from a single platform will reduce your workload and facilitate your analysis. For your employees, the accessibility of this platform is important for continuity.


During the research process of digital HR platforms, you can review Sorwe Feedback Culture Digital Solutions, which provides mobile access and you can always contact us for all your questions. Discover the privilege of giving feedback anytime, anywhere with Sorwe!

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