Employee Experience in Brazil

Employee Experience in Brazil

The Global Employee Experience Report allows you to access workplace culture, employee engagement, employee happiness and employee wellness in Brazil. These four main indexes compose the overall Employee Experience Score that sets the ground rules for the future of work.


Bases of Employee Engagement 

An inclusive and diversity-oriented company culture is common in Brazil. People from different cultures can work together. Especially with the remote working period, this diversity has increased. In order to establish strong teams, it is important that everyone in the team knows each other well. In that sense peer to peer engagement is high at the workplace. At the same time, employees want to learn the job descriptions of their colleagues as well as their own job descriptions and responsibilities. No one wants to get into someone else's business.


Internal Communication and Employee Feedback Structure

Due to the vertical hierarchical structure, decisions are taken at higher levels. Communication between teams is very important. Group work and collaboration is an important strength of Brazilian workplace culture. Since the opinion of each team member is important in teamwork, decisions are taken unanimously within the team. Internal communication is strong, teams can share their thoughts and feedback with each other. Employee recognition is an important factor of work culture and one of the biggest motivator for Brazilian employees.


Pillars of Workplace Culture 

Care About Personal Relationship

Brazilians place a high value on relationships and trust in their business processes. They negotiate with people not with companies. A good warm-up of the conversation will lead to a more successful business meeting. Making an effort to get to know the other person will be much appreciated and will be more effective. It is important to be able to communicate with trust in a partnership. 

Pay Attention To Company Structures

Most companies in Brazil are in a vertical hierarchical structure. Decisions are made from the top down, the most important decisions are made at the top level. This hierarchy should also be taken into account in internal communication. Therefore, it would be good to know the corporate structure while doing business. 

Review Time Management and Dress Code

It is not considered rude to be 5-10 minutes late for business meetings in Brazil. But being at the meeting on time is appreciated. Usually, appointments are made 10-15 days in advance. If things do not go well, they will easily change the program. They care a lot about professional appearance and it will impress them. 


Learning & Development of Future Talents

21% of 25-34 year-olds has higher learning degrees in Brazil. 

Performance & Productivity GDP per Hour Worked: 16.34 USD

Part-time Employment Rate: 27.24%

Average Wages: 493.52

Employee Turnover Rate: N/A

Minimum Wages: 253

Population: 213.959.437 (2021)

Unemployment Rate: Total 11.97% - Male 10.1% - Female 14.1% 

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