How and When to Celebrate Success at Work: A Guide for Managers

28 April 2022 | 4 Minute
user Sorwe
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How and When to Celebrate Success at Work: A Guide for Managers

Implementing reward systems throughout your company makes your employees feel valued, which has its own set of benefits. Employees who feel respected and valued are more likely to work harder, perform better in teams, and devote more time and attention to your company's goals. However, only one-third of employees think their hard work is recognized on a regular basis.

Investing in rewards and recognition, whether monetary or non-monetary, can significantly impact employee engagement. Businesses prosper when employees are inspired to accomplish and strive for more. However, feeling invisible or underappreciated and receiving little or no acknowledgment can leave your team demotivated and uninspired — over 40% of employees name one of these factors as the primary reason they don't achieve as much as they'd want at work.

We all want to be noticed, so it's no surprise that praising others' efforts can have such a good impact at work. But where and when do you begin to implement these engagement strategies?


When is the right time to reward employees?

  • When employees perform outstandingly. When employees are performing very well in the workplace, it is the ideal opportunity to praise and recognize them. Employees will likely become incredibly delighted and motivated to work more if they witness supervisors recognizing and rewarding them for accomplishing good work that they put a lot of effort into. In addition, human resource management best practices say that it is important to show gratitude to employees, work to make employees happy, and make employees feel like they are essential to the company in order to build positive company cultures and promote companywide satisfaction and positivity. Recognizing and thanking staff is a terrific way to show your thanks for the excellent work they do.
  • When department goals are in line with the company's overall objectives. Employees that achieve personal and organizational goals are frequently rewarded and recognized by their bosses. When employees reach personal and organizational goals, it is an excellent opportunity to recognize and award them because they have had a significant impact on not just themselves but also the company. When organizations use cascading objectives techniques to connect employees' personal goals with the organization's goals, this influence is frequently felt the most. The company does this by having regular meetings with its employees, giving them advice, and telling them about the ideals, goals, and ideals that the company wants to achieve through them.
  • When you need motivation. One of the most common and best times to reward and recognize employees is when the company wants to get people excited about their jobs. Many organizations use prizes and recognition to improve employee egos, attitudes, and inspire people to work harder than they already are.

Employees typically find a boost of motivation to perform even better for the company when they receive awards and recognition during times of uncertainty. Motivated personnel is also easier to keep more satisfied and more productive when it comes to completing numerous routine work activities.

  • When it comes to using incentive programs. Using incentive programs is another important time to reward and recognize employees. Incentive programs, in particular, are systems that promote and encourage employees to do specific tasks. Incentive programs are frequently used to motivate employees to achieve specific sales, KPIs, or organizational goals in various settings. Rewards and recognition programs are important tools that all businesses should use to boost their operational success. Furthermore, managers have successfully built brand recognition on social media by utilizing reward programs through employee advocacy. It's usual to have activities where management compensates people by posting nice social media postings.


How do you recognize and reward employees for their efforts?

Even though organizations around the world spend more than £36 billion on reward and recognition programs, and 78 percent of managers purposefully demonstrate their appreciation to coworkers, most employees believe that the company could improve both reward and recognition.

It's crucial to express thanks, but how you say it could be just as significant. Being detailed and specific in your appreciation may ensure that praise feels genuine and sincere. Describe:

  • The action taken by a member of your team

Did they meet a specific goal, like writing a report or planning an event? Or did they show a pattern of behavior that will change their lives for the long term? Give specifics to demonstrate that you've taken notice of their work.

  • The consequences of the conduct

This gives meaning to the award and gives the recipient a sense of pride in how their labor contributes to the company's success.

  • The prize

A reward might be material, such as a present or a bonus, but it can also be intangible, such as a thank you note, public recognition, or a team event. The main thing is to think about the style and scale of a prize so that it feels exceptional, meaningful, and appropriate for the accomplishment you're honoring.


How to celebrate success in the workplace?

To motivate and retain people, it is important to celebrate a company's achievement with those who helped make it possible. You may expect to see a lot more celebrations in the future if your employees understand that celebrations are closely linked to success.

1. Have a party and speak up

Before you start any party you have in mind, give a short speech about why everyone is having fun. Describe how the company has done well, and take the time to point out and thank important people. Recognition of a job well done goes a long way to making an employee happy.

2. Give awards

Give awards to the best employees in front of the whole team. Employee of the month, best innovator, best customer service, best salesperson, and best team player could all be included in this list of awards. A trophy or award with the winner's name and some kind of praise is a good way to show them off. You can be sure that these awards will play a significant role in the winners' self-esteem and in the places where they work.

3. Let’s go eat!

There is no one who doesn't want a break from brown-bag lunches or the chance to enjoy some tasty BBQ. Employees will never forget this type of gift, no matter what you do to show them how much you care.

4. Share the success

When the company is doing well, share a little of that success with the people who work for it. The whole company getting a small bonus is a good way to show how much you care about them. Everyone likes extra money, especially if they know they played a role in getting it.

5. Gifts and memories

Give a genuine memory of your triumph. By providing them with a mug, a T-shirt, a blanket, or other desk or office décor, you may assist in solidifying the memory of the achievement. Getting a gift of thanks is always appreciated, and it will be a source of motivation for future success as well.

6. Shout out on social media

Share your team member's job success stories on social media. Share their wins on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. As a result, your social media followers will admire your people. It also gives everyone crucial information about your company's work culture. It promotes authenticity, establishes brand identity, and helps connect audiences.

 BONUS: Get help from Sorwe

You may always rely on the new generation of tools that we, at Sorwe, are constantly improving. One of our main objectives is to create a happy workplace and help employees love their work. Recognizing and celebrating achievement at work is an excellent method to accomplish this. Our features can help you keep the good vibes going in your company so that everyone, from the CEO to the intern, gets the recognition they deserve.

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