How to choose the right OKR Software

31 January 2022 | 4 Minute
user Sorwe
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How to choose the right OKR Software

The goal-setting process of Objectives and Key Results allows you to track your progress. 

With the increased use of OKRs, there has been a significant increase in the number of OKR tools on the market. 

It's just as vital to pick the correct OKR tool to pick the proper OKR framework. But how does one assess the various OKR tools accessible to an organization? To answer this issue, here are some tips for selecting the best OKR tool for your team and needs.


Understand your Needs

Before deciding on an OKR software, you must know precisely what you need to avoid making a waste of time and money. 

The more complicated your OKRs are, we recommend putting together a list of the problems and benefits you hope to achieve by using an OKR tool. If you're seeking an OKR tool, this list will assist you in figuring out what you're after.

Know the market

Now that you know what you need and what you want let's take a quick look at the two types of OKR tools that are out there.

OKR tools that are free 

You can set and monitor your OKRs for free with many different methods. For free, you can use Google Sheets or an Excel Spreadsheet to keep track of your progress toward your goals. You can also use a pen and paper to set your OKRs. Before the internet, big companies used to do things the hard way. If your company is growing, you might not be able to keep using a spreadsheet to keep track of your goals. This could lead to the goals not being used fully.

OKR SaaS Tools

Make sure you use this kind of tool if you forget about your OKRs after setting them or if they are more complicated. An OKR software has even more features and is best for companies that use a lot of OKRs and need to track them more collaboratively.


Ask these questions to compare all your options.

  • Which OKR tool is easiest to use?

Keeping tabs on OKRs is time-consuming, to say the least. A good OKR tool should make it easier to connect your goals to the company's long-term goals. All of your KPIs should be presented in an easy-to-understand format by an effective OKR solution. Having a crowded appearance is unappealing to most people. It should also be able to be easily customized by its users. You can track your progress in percentages or milestones, for example. In the end, it's best to go with the option that doesn't need you to dig into the weeds of the software.

  • Will the tool tell the whole story?

The OKR doctrine does little to dispel the perception that a company's standing can be reduced to numerical measurements of Key Results. 

Aim for valuable insights from the people doing the task while evaluating OKR tools. With every difficulty that arises or stretches goal that gets blown out of the water, you'll want to be able to dive in and read the story.

  • Does it allow performance progress to align everybody to company goals?

OKR software should be able to align and cascade goals and OKRs. OKRs and goals are often shared. Cascading goals will let you share goals from one level of your company to the next. There are many ways for a manager to pass on their goals to the people who work for them. 

On the other hand, Goal Alignment helps everyone see the bigger picture. It allows people to align their goals with those of the organization. For example, if one of the organization's main goals is to break into a new market that hasn't been reached yet, the ability to align goals shows an employee how their work helps achieve this goal.

  • Which OKR tools work best at scale?

One of the best things about the OKR framework is its flexibility. OKRs can help you communicate your business strategy and achieve great results, no matter how many people work for you. They can be used in a traditional hierarchy or a cross-functional matrix; in pods, squads, teams, cells, or tribes. 

  • Does it have a mobile feature?

The OKR software should be user-friendly, easy to use, and with a mobile feature. Users should understand how the software works with little or no training. The user interface should be clean and not cluttered with useless information.  Additionally, it should support easy integration with other tools or processes. 


In the end, a new purchase is only an asset if it helps your company grow. To inspire employees to go in the same direction as the firm, focus on development and work towards improved results, the organization must guarantee that a simple OKR tool effortlessly fits into the workflow. With these tips, you should be able to pick an OKR tool that helps you visualize your goals and align them with your company's values.


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